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 Politics Archive 2014

The independent and moderate voters give POTUS and congressioal Republicans low marks on immigration
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 16, 2014

The independent and moderate voters are the swing voters that both parties need in order to win elections.

So going too far left or too far right on an issue can turn swing
voters off and cause a candidate to lose a congressional race or a presidential election.

And at the moment, the hot button issue of immigration is on everyone’s radar. Unfortunately for President Obama and the congressional Republicans, the swing voters are not too happy with how either side is handling the immigration crisis.

According to a newly released ABC News/Washington Post poll, 28% of independents approve of how President Obama is handling the immigration issue while 60% disapprove of his handling of the immigration issue.

The moderates gave President Obama a somewhat better rating with 35% approving of his handling of the immigration issue and 58% disapproving of how President Obama has handle the immigration issue.

As for the Republicans in Congress, the independents gave them a 22% approval rating and a 65% disapproval rating.

The moderates’ grade for the Republicans in congress was lower with 19% approving of how the Republicans are handling the immigration issue and 71% disapproving of how the Republicans are handling the immigration issue.

The one thing that the Independents and Moderates were in agreement on was the need to pass the $3.7 billion emergency spending plan that President Obama has presented to Congress.

There are 51% of the independents who support the plan, while 46% do not support the plan. As for the moderates, 58% support the plan and 37% do not support the plan.

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